陀B六個月 Rosemary三點式晒孕肚
撰文:東方新地|圖片:新傳媒圖片庫、Rosemary IG
陀B六個月 Rosemary 谷奶換Bra
Over halfway through nine months preparing to fall in love for a lifetime! #excitedforthefuture
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早前Rosemary已透露BB預產期為9月,有機會同佢同一日生日 (9月18日)。
A good dose of vitamin sea to fuel the week ahead! #happymonday
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第一次陀B嘅Rosemary表示有向正陀緊第二胎嘅好友Jessica C.同Ana R.取經: 「有問佢哋幾時先感覺到BB踢我個肚,我仲未感受到,可能我肚皮比較實! 」
Joining the club! Happy Mother’s Day!!! #22weeks
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JC、Ana R 晒索爆孕照
Rosemary的兩位名模好友Jessica C.(JC) 同Ana R都正在陀第二胎,以「警鐘胸」聞名嘅JC趁住陀B到38周卸貨在即,近日就密密放出大肚性感相,力證其實大肚都可以好索!
Final stretch (literally). Any day now, my son.
It’s been another beautiful journey.
#secondpregnancy #38weekspregnant #stillwaiting Photo by the one and only @oliviatsanghk Hair by @garysun Make up by @phoebeaki
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Ana R. 薄紗上陣
至於另一位名模Ana R.同樣陀住第二胎,唔知係咪同好友JC心有靈犀,臨盤在即,同樣影咗一輯性感大肚照留念,大多照片都係只披薄紗上陣!
As time comes closer to the due date. It’s time to remember all the love a joy you have in your life. Can’t wait to see you.
Photographer @pimyanaprasart Make up by @chelria #eurasian #thirdtrimester #momlife #purtorican #korean #pregnancy #love #bump #babybump #white #lace #motherslove #cantwaittomeetyou #itsaboy #babyboy
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Just a moment to remember with Maya before our little one arrives.
and Maya is Happy to announce it’s a ? ( check out the photos to see what she says )
A Special Thanks too Photo : @pauljs100 Hair : @jayyeyng84 Make-up : @jonathanlimakeup Boat by : @asiayachting #asiayachting #asiayachtinghk #MCY #MCY80 #italianyacht Swimwear by: @sheerlingerie #sheerlandmark #sheerlingerie #sheerhk #paolita #marysia Long Dress by : @emiliopucci #puccivibes #PucciSS18 @socialcapital #socialcapital Red Dress by: @theswankofficial #theswank #theswankstyle #paulekahk Shoes by: @renecaovilla #renecaovilla Maya is wearing @seedheritage
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Ana and Jessica’s Baby shower. May 26th 2018. Thank you to our friends and family for being there! Will post more pics from the party in my story and highlights
#bestfriends #babyboys #babyshower @ana_r @sohofama
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